In the mechanical manufacturing industry, when the customer order number must increase capacity, generally only consider increasing the machine. And production efficiency will be based on existing machine tools to plan the number of purchases. However, SMT is fast flexible clamp adapted a traditional machining this story. She told the people a new idea, you can improve the machining efficiency and not have to expand the number of machines to increase production. SMT Machining how to improve the efficiency of it? It is by reducing the time to increase the workpiece holding tool and effective processing time, increase productivity so as to achieve the purpose. Everyone knows that a lot of assistance, an increase of standby time machine, making it truly the time for cutting the workpiece significantly reduced thereby reducing productivity. Some experts make a analysis: Because the traditional process, the actual cutting time machine to 1000 with only 500 hours / year, according to * 24 hours 365 days a year = 8,760 hours calculation, equipment utilization rate is only 6 ~ 11.5%, overall economic efficiency is poor, restricted the development of productive forces . SMT fast with each workpiece clamping flexible clamp time need only 20 seconds, give you a headache the workpiece and changing, becoming so simple and quick. With SMT, whenever the blue Johnson made machine procurement needs of customers, we will first think of how to help customers improve productivity of existing machines. Analysis of each machine after use of SMT products to increase production, and then plan a real need to purchase the number of machine tools. The only way to reduce the client machine with a lot of money purchasing costs and risks arising. Because the customer’s investment in machine tools for the SMT than investment, after all, insignificant |